FLOOD WATCH – North Bay Urban Creeks: Chippewa Creek, Parks Creek, Pinewood Parkway Creek, and others


(North Bay April 6, 2023). With the forecasted warm temperatures and anticipated snowmelt, water levels in creeks and rivers may rise. The North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA) is extending the Flood Watch for the urban creeks in the City of North Bay and the Watershed Conditions Statement – Flood Outlook for other watershed areas.

“Weather forecasts show warm temperatures but no rain into next week. Significant melting of the snowpack is expected,” said Angela Mills, NBMCA Duty Officer. “Urban watercourses in North Bay will respond more quickly to the snowmelt. Watercourses in rural areas may experience high water levels. Localized flooding is possible as the snowmelt progresses”, Mills added.

The existing snowpack water content is very high in the North Bay – Mattawa watershed, ranging between 181 mm and 238 mm of water equivalent (measured on April 6, 2023). This is an increase of 6 to 54 mm since the previous survey (March 31). Snow depths range between 51 and 60 cm in the NBMCA watershed, an increase of 5 to 10 cm since the previous survey.

Water levels in area streams and Lake Nipissing are currently at or near normal for this time of year.  Of note, water levels on the Wasi River have increased by 30 cm, Chippewa Creek increased by 11 cm, and La Vase River increased by 9 cm since April 4, 2023.  There is no rainfall forecasted into next week.

For comparison, when river-based flooding occurred in April 2019, the snowpack water content was 123 mm (measured April 15, 2019). Rainfall of 31.8 mm was measured April 18, 2019. Daytime and overnight temperatures were above freezing.

“Residents, especially those in low lying areas, are encouraged to monitor the conditions as they develop, and prepare accordingly. Shorelines of creeks and rivers will be very slippery at this time and, when combined with cold open water, pose a serious hazard,” said Chitra Gowda, NBMCA CAO. “The public is encouraged to keep children and pets away from watercourses and off waterbodies,” she added.

Staff at NBMCA will continue to monitor weather and watershed conditions and update this message based on the changing weather/streamflow conditions. Staff remain in contact with municipalities and other partners as required.

The general public is advised of these messages through the www.nbmca.ca website with the flood status icon and a link to information about current conditions. NBMCA also circulates these messages to local media and social media, posting on Twitter (@theNBMCA), Facebook (@theNBMCA) and Instagram (nbmcainfo).                 

This message will be in effect until (or updated before) Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at 4:00 pm.



Angela Mills, Duty Officer, cell: 705-497-4668
Chitra Gowda, CAO cell: 705-477-0372

Terminology: Notification Levels

Spring Freshet 2023