Our watershed overflows with champions, people whose actions - big and small - have contributed to the health and well-being of our families, our neighbourhoods, our communities, our environment and our watershed.
Permits are one tool for balancing human needs with the needs
of the natural environment, protecting people and property
from natural hazards.
From water quality monitoring and flood forecasting to drinking water source protection, NBMCA uses science to make watershed management decisions.
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MoreSnow depth increased by 14.0 cm and snow water equivalence by 29.3 mm since January 15 and is considered normal for this time of year at all sites, reports the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority who measures snow depth and water content as part of its Flood Forecasting and Warning Program.
North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA), in partnership with the Province of Ontario, City of North Bay and the Municipality of Callander, has recently completed new and updated floodplain mapping. The public consultation period runs from January 20 to February 20, 2025.
MoreInterested individuals are invited to fill vacancies on the North Bay-Mattawa Drinking Water Source Protection Committee (SPC), a local multi-stakeholder committee responsible for reducing risks to local municipal drinking water sources in Callander, Mattawa, North Bay, Powassan, and South River.
MoreSnow depth increased by 11.5 cm and snow water equivalence by 23.0 mm since January 2 and is considered normal for this time of year at all sites.