(North Bay – July 25, 2019) The North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA) is undergoing the process of updating its floodplain mapping for the Parks and Jessups Creeks subwatersheds.
NBMCA invites proposals from qualified consultants to provide technical and engineering services to update the existing floodplain mapping of Parks Creek and Jessups Creek in the City of North Bay.
“A principal mandate of NBMCA is to prevent the loss of life and property due to flooding and erosion and to conserve and enhance natural resources. Floodplain mapping is a key tool NBMCA uses to identify areas that may be susceptible to riverine or coastal flooding and assists us in regulating development in those areas,” said Kurtis Romanchuk, Water Resources Engineer.
The regulatory floodplain is used by NBMCA during the administration of Ontario Regulation 177/06 - Development, Interference with Wetland and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses (DIA), pursuant to Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act.
Floodplain mapping is also used by municipalities in preparing official plans and zoning by-laws, which guide future development in their municipalities.
Floodplain mapping relies on supporting analysis, including hydrologic and hydraulic modelling. Hydrologic modelling predicts how much runoff will be generated by a rainfall event. Flows generated by the hydrologic model are then inputted into the hydraulic model to predict the peak flood depth, elevation, and velocity of flood flows. The flood elevation is mapped using topographic data (the natural features of the land) to show the limits of the floodplain and other critical information.
This project is funded by the City of North Bay as well as Public Works Canada's National Disaster Mitigation Program, administered through the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Project completion is scheduled for March 2020.
The Terms of Reference for the Request for Proposal can be viewed on the NBMCA website https://www.nbmca.ca/about-us/public-tenders-requests-for-proposals/ Deadline for proposal submission is August 6, 2019 4pm. Project completion is scheduled for March 2020.
A public open house will be held in March 2020 to share the results of the project.
The North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority was founded in 1972 by the Province of Ontario and its 10 member municipalities. A non-profit organization, the NBMCA works closely with the public to balance human needs with environmental needs throughout the region’s watershed. The NBMCA is one of 36 Conservation Authorities who are members of Conservation Ontario.
You can follow NBMCA on facebook.com/NBMCA and twitter @theNBMCA
For more information, contact:
Sue Buckle, Manager, Communications & Outreach (705) 474-5420 ext. 2010
Kurtis Romanchuk, Water Resources Engineer (705) 474-5420 ext. 2020