The North Bay-Mattawa Source Protection Authority is an oversight body for the local Drinking Water Source Protection process.

The North Bay-Mattawa Source Protection Authority (SPA) coordinated the development of the Source Protection Plan (SP Plan) to protect the sources of five municipal drinking water systems in our watershed:  Callander, Mattawa, North Bay, Powassan and South River. 

The SPA is comprised of elected representatives from each of the member municipalities, including those from the Conservation Authority Members (Board of Directors) and some from municipalities that are only within the Source Protection Area. The SPA is tasked with selecting or approving members to sit on the Source Protection Committee, and reviewing and receiving comments on updates to the Assessment Report and Source Protection Plan.

The 2024 Source Protection Authority Members include:

  • Shelley Belanger –
    Papineau-Cameron Twp (2024 Chair)
  • Michelle Lahaye -
    Mattawan Twp (2024 Vice Chair)
  • Peter Chirico - North Bay
  • Teri Brandt - South River
  • Steve Trahan - East Ferris
  • Bill Moreton - Calvin Twp
  • Steve Featherstone - Bonfield
  • Steve Kirkey - Nipissing
  • Dave Britton - Powassan 
  • Lana Mitchell - North Bay
  • Loren Mick - Mattawa
  • Grant McMartin - Callander
  • Nunzio Scarfone - Chisholm Twp
  • Jim Ronholm - Strong Twp
  • Chris Mayne - North Bay

The next meeting will be held Thursday June 27, 2024 at 4:30 pm.

The last Source Protection Authority Meeting was held April 24, 2024 at 4:30 pm at the NBMCA office.  

For more information on the Drinking Water Source Protection program visit or the Drinking Water Source Protection Program section of the website. 

The next meeting of the Source Protection Authority to be determined.

Meeting Agenda and minutes of previous SPA Meetings.