Any person or organization who wishes to address the Members of the Conservation Authority may make a request in writing or email to the CAO/Secretary-Treasurer. The request should include a brief statement of the matter involved and indicate the name of the proposed speaker. If such request is received 14 days in advance of a scheduled meeting, the delegation shall be listed on the published agenda.
Any person or organization requesting an opportunity to address the Members, but not having made a written request to do so in the timelines specified above, may appear before the meeting if approved by at least two-thirds of Members present or shall be listed on the published agenda for the following meeting.
Except by leave of the Chair or appeal by the leave of the meeting, delegations shall be limited to one (1) speaker for not more than 10 minutes.
Speakers will be requested not to repeat what has been said by previous speakers at the meeting. A returning delegation will only be allowed to speak again if new, relevant information has become available since their previous presentation. The Chair may choose to end a returning delegation’s presentation if, in the opinion of the Chair, the new information being presented is not relevant to a decision facing the General Membership.