NBMCA's On-site Sewage System (Septic) program is designed to protect the environment and people’s health and safety by regulating and ensuring compliance with the Ontario Building Code (OBC) Part 8 regarding the installation and maintenance of private on-site sewage systems within Nipissing District and the Parry Sound District (with the exception of the Township of the Archipelago).  (See Map on sidebar)

If your residential, seasonal or commercial property does not have municipal sewer services and you will be using an on-site sewage system, the OBC requires you to obtain a permit from NBMCA. 

You may need an on-site sewage system permit if you are:

  • building a new home or cottage
  • building an addition with additional bedrooms and/or adding plumbing fixtures (talk to an inspector for specifications)
  • installing an outhouse, leaching (grey water) pit or holding tank
  • replacing the bed or tank of your existing on-site sewage system
  • demolishing an on-site sewage system
  • building or expanding a commercial/industrial facility with a daily design flow of less than 10,000 litres per day (systems larger than 10,000 litres/day in design capacity and communal (off-lot) sewage systems are regulated by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks under the Ontario Water Resources Act.)

Other Services under the OSS Program

  • Plan Input and Review - NBMCA offers additional planning services to both municipalities and individuals with regards to the OBC’s requirements for suitability of sites, proposed construction, renovations, etc. NBMCA’s planning staff also review Planning Act applications and together with the on-site sewage system inspectors review the septic related implications for severance and zoning applications.  Visit the Plan Review section of the website for more details.

  • File Reviews for expansions or renovations to existing structures - When enlarging or renovating a home or cottage (such as adding bedrooms, plumbing fixtures or a floor area 15% greater than the existing; or a change of use), it is the property owner’s responsibility to ensure that the existing sewage system can accommodate a potential increase of daily design sewage flow. NBMCA will assess whether the proposed construction will increase the dwelling’s daily design sewage flow and thus initiate a reduction in sewage system performance level.  This review is required prior to the Municipality issuing a building permit for construction.

  • OBC Clearance - NBMCA reviews municipal building applications for decks, garages or accessory building to assess whether the proposed construction complies with Part 8 (Sewage Systems) of the Ontario Building Code (OBC).

  • Legal Inquiries/Copy of OSS Permit - NBMCA offers property owners, lawyers and realtors information on the status of permits, work orders, occurrences and capability of an existing septic system. Please complete a Legal Inquiry Request Form.  Direct your request to email.

  • Mandatory Maintenance Inspections - NBMCA conducts mandatory maintenance inspections of on-site sewage systems identified in the North Bay-Mattawa Source Assessment Report as a significant threat to municipal drinking water sources. In the Callander Issue Contributing Area, this area is generally described as lands within 120m of any inflowing stream, river, lake or pond which can result in the input of phosphorus to Callander Bay. In the Powassan Wellhead Protection Area, there are several properties with on-site sewage systems which are subject to mandatory maintenance inspections as well. The OBC requires that these inspections be conducted every five years.  Information about the Source Protection Program is available by visiting actforcleanwater.ca.

  • Concern investigations regarding malfunctioning sewage systems - NBMCA investigates valid concerns regarding malfunctioning on-site sewage systems.

    When a malfunctioning system is confirmed, the septic staff will work with or guide the homeowner to repair or replace the system in a timely manner.  If an inspector can not acquire compliance with the homeowner then an order may be issued under Part 8 of the OBC and the Building Code Act.

On-site Sewage System Program Applications

Please note:  If you are using a fillable application form, please download and save it to your computer to complete the form. (Do not complete it online.)  Once completed, save it and email as an attachment to the appropriate NBMCA office (see sidebar).

How to Submit Your Application

Mail it to or drop it off at our North Bay office, 15 Janey Ave., North Bay, ON P1C 1N1 or our Parry Sound Office, 90 Bowes St., Suite 202 Parry Sound P2A 2L7. 

By email to the North Bay office septic.northbay@nbmca.ca (Nipissing or East Parry Sound) or Parry Sound office septic.parrysound@nbmca.ca (West Parry Sound)

What you'll need

Here's what you'll need to file your application:

  • Applicant and landowner (if different from applicant) contact information
  • Contact information for an agent, such as a designer, contractor or installer, if applicable
  • Address of the proposed work
  • Completed application form which details:
    • Purpose of application (new, addition, alternation/repair, demolition)
    • Site evaluation
    • Design criteria (fixtures, flow calculations)
    • Two copies of the site plan and cross-section drawings
    • Letter of authorization from the legal property owner if not the applicant
  • Payment of the appropriate fee in accordance with the current Fee Schedule must be submitted with the application.

Fees and Payment

On-site sewage system program services and fees are outlined on the fee schedule. Payments can be made by Visa, Mastercard, AMEX or debit over the phone or in person,  by cheque in the mail or dropped off at our North Bay and Parry Sound offices. We’re sorry e-transfer is not an option at this time. Please call the appropriate office if your application was submitted via email.


Upon North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA) receiving a correct and complete application for an On-site Sewage System Permit, an inspector from NBMCA will, within seven working days, visit the site, review the proposal and make a recommendation.  The overall timeline within which a permit is issued or refused by NBMCA is 10 working days, as defined in the Ontario Building Code,


If a permit is refused, and you can’t resolve the problems with NBMCA, you have several avenues of appeal. If the problem relates to technical requirements set out in the Building Code, you may apply to the Building Code Commission.  I with full reasons for denial, an appeal can be made to the Building Code Commission.  If it is refused by the Commission, an appeal can be made to the Superior Court of Justice.

Fees Policy

The Conservation Authorities Act and the Ontario Building Code enable NBMCA to charge fees for services approved by the Minister. The Fees are approved by the NBMCA Board of Directors.

The fee structure for on-site sewage system activities is designed to recover but not exceed the costs associated with the administration and delivery of the services within the program. In accordance with Section 8 of the Ontario Building Code, these funds are administered specifically for this purpose, separate from other NBMCA accounts.

 Our Fees Policy is based on three principles:  user-pay, adequate consultation and notification, and right to appeal.


NBMCA has received the comments provided during the public consultation period for the proposed fee update. NBMCA have reviewed and considered the comments.   As a result the consulted fees have been updated.