The North Bay- Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA) is offering the public an opportunity to pay tribute to a person(s), organization or occasion by making a donation towards a picnic table or bench in one our Conservation Areas.

Benches have long been a traditional element in park settings and along trails. Benches benefit all age groups by providing a resting place as well as a place to sit while enjoying the natural surroundings.

 What can you commemorate?

  • Memory of a loved one
  • Valued volunteer
  • Retirement of a special person
  • Birth of a child
  • New citizenship
  • Wedding or anniversary
  • Graduation of a student
  • In lieu of a Christmas or other gift


  • The bench is intended for use by the general public who visit the Conservation Area.  No flowers or other forms of memorabilia may be attached to or left on the ground around the bench.  NBMCA reserves the right to remove and dispose of all memorabilia found attached to or laying on or around the bench.
  • The bench remains the property of NBMCA. A plaque will be placed on the bench for a 2 year period with the name of the person being honoured and/or the donor as well as the date of donation. 
  • NBMCA is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the bench and plaque for a 2 year period to the best of their ability and reasonably possible. Should vandalism and/ or environmental damage persist, relocation of the bench will need to be considered. 
  • At the end of the 2-year recognition period, NBMCA and the donor may agree to renew this agreement.
  • The commemorative bench is a cedar wood plank bench with metal frame and has a plaque located in the middle back. This plaque will be engraved with the inscription provided by the donor and approved by NBMCA.
  • The preferred location within the Conservation Area will be selected by the applicant and reviewed and approved by NBMCA for its suitability. One on-site meeting will be held with the applicant and an NBMCA representative to determine the best location and suitability.

How to Participate

Applications for the Commemorative Bench or Picnic Table program are accepted all year and can be submitted to NBMCA Commemorative Bench/Picnic Table Program, 15 Janey Ave., North Bay, ON P1C 1N1.  Email

Commemorative Bench Donation: $1,580.00

Commemorative Picnic Table Donation:  $1,750 

Accessible Picnic Table: $2,040

Payment by cheques, payable to the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority, Visa, Mastercard or AMEX.  NBMCA also provides payment by debit at our offices at 15 Janey Ave., North Bay, ON.