Maintenance Inspections are inspection activities governed by the Ontario Building Code (OBC). They are further categorized as mandatory or discretionary.

  • Mandatory Inspections: NBMCA conducts mandatory maintenance inspections of on-site sewage systems identified in the North Bay-Mattawa Source Assessment Report as a significant threat to municipal drinking water sources. In the Callander Issue Contributing Area, this area is generally described as lands within 120m of any inflowing stream, river, lake or pond which can result in the input of phosphorus to Callander Bay. In the Powassan Wellhead Protection Area, there are several properties with on-site sewage systems which are subject to mandatory maintenance inspections as well. The OBC requires that these inspections be conducted every five years.  Information about the Source Protection Program is available by visiting

Discretionary inspections are currently conducted in North Bay at the request of the City.

  • The Trout Lake Septic Re-inspection Program was established at the request of the City of North Bay as one part of the City's ongoing strategy to protect the health of Trout Lake. The lake is the sole source of drinking water for the City of North Bay’s municipal water distribution system as well as the source for private water systems of hundreds of homes located on the lake.