The North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority, together with the 35 other conservation authorities across the province, are implementing a Service Delivery and Streamlining Initiative to provide a consistent client-centric process for planning and development reviews, permits and approvals.   

The following documents and tools are provided to aid in your understanding of our planning and development services.

Customer Service Charter

NBMCA aims to provide a high standard of effective and efficient service to all of our clients/customers. Our Customer Service Charter explains our service commitment.

Fees Policy

The Conservation Authorities Act and the Ontario Building Code enable NBMCA to charge fees for services.  The Fees are approved by the NBMCA Board of Directors. Our Fees Policy is based on three principles:  user-pay, adequate consultation and notification, and right to appeal.

The fee structure for planning and compliance/regulation activities is designed to recover but not exceed the costs associated with the administration and delivery of the services within the program. These services include permit fees, applications under the Planning Act, various responses concerning legal services, public inquiries, and technical advice/services, etc.   

For more information about these services, visit the Municipal Plan Review, Section 28 Permits, Legal Inquiries, or Application Forms & Fees Sections of the website.