NBMCA provides environmental advice to municipalities on applications made under the Planning Act. This includes applications for severance, official plan amendments, zoning changes, plans of subdivision and others. The purpose is to determine if the proposal is consistent with municipal and provincial environmental policies, including the Provincial Policy Statement. For more information, visit the Municipal Plan Review section of the website. NBMCA provides this plan review service to Municipalities through MOUs or Plan Review Agreements. NBMCA has Plan Review Agreements with Bonfield, Callander, Chisholm Twp, East Ferris, East Nipissing Planning Board (which covers Calvin, Mattawan, and Papineau-Cameron), Mattawa and North Bay.
NBMCA carries out municipally delegated programs and services (Category 2) and other programs and services (Category 3) that support the mandatory (Category 1) programs and services under the Conservation Authorities Act. Agreements are established with member municipalities.