Our watershed overflows with champions, people whose actions - big and small - have contributed to the health and well-being of our families, our neighbourhoods, our communities, our environment and our watershed.
Permits are one tool for balancing human needs with the needs
of the natural environment, protecting people and property
from natural hazards.
From water quality monitoring and flood forecasting to drinking water source protection, NBMCA uses science to make watershed management decisions.
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MoreA Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety has been issued for the North Bay – Mattawa watershed, according to the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA). The previously issued Flood Watch has ended.
MoreA Flood Watch has been issued for the North Bay-Mattawa watershed and Watershed Conditions Statement – Water Safety has been issued for the Lake Nipissing Shoreline in North Bay and Callander and the lower reaches of the Mattawa River in Mattawa.
MoreA Flood Outlook has been issued for the North Bay-Mattawa watershed, according to the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority (NBMCA).
MoreThe annual ice removal on Parks Creek near Lakeshore Drive is set to begin Monday, March 17 and the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority is urging the public and snowmobilers to stay off the creek and away from the mouth of the creek at Lake Nipissing.